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Welcome Corellian Brothers & Sisters, and other galactic citizens.  The #CorellianSociety was established to preserve the history, culture and traditions of the planet Corellia, and the race of humans known as Corellians.  A particularly special people, Corellians were spawned by gods, and were destined to unite worlds through their innovative technologies.  Though Corellians are spread throughout the galaxy, the #CorellianSociety aims to keep the race united in spirit.



Named in honor of the five legendary planes of the Corellian system, the Council represents the hopes, dreams and heights that a Corellian may reach through hard work, bravery and shrewd sense. United in common purpose from all over the Galaxy, the Council exists to help provide support and aid to Corellians taking their first steps out into the galaxy, and to assist in helping to preserve the rich knowledge and history of the Corellian people.



We encourage all Corellians, and those that support this initiative, to display the below #CorellianSociety signature.



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